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Industrial High-Velocity Self-Recuperative Radiant Tube Burner for Gas REKO-SIK-NxT-RT


  • Available in 50K to 500K Btu/hr capacities
  • Maximum furnace temperature: 2100°F
  • For use with preheated air up to 1380°F
  • Low NOx and CO emissions


  • Furnaces with fiber covering
  • Ceramic or treatment furnaces
  • Tunnel or chariot furnaces
  • Indirect heating applications and furnaces
Industrial Burner for Gas REKO-SIK-NxT-RT

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Ordering Information

Model and Description Model Capacity Ignition Detection Price Cart
Capacity: 50K Btu/Hr; Ignition: Direct Spark; Detection: Flame Rod or UV
REKO-15-SIK-NxT-RT 50K Btu/Hr Direct Spark Flame Rod or UV Contact Us Not available for online purchase.
Capacity: 100K Btu/Hr; Ignition: Direct Spark; Detection: Flame Rod or UV
REKO-30-SIK-NxT-RT 100K Btu/Hr Direct Spark Flame Rod or UV Contact Us Not available for online purchase.
Capacity: 200K Btu/Hr; Ignition: Direct Spark; Detection: Flame Rod or UV
REKO-60-SIK-NxT-RT 200K Btu/Hr Direct Spark Flame Rod or UV Contact Us Not available for online purchase.
Capacity: 340K Btu/Hr; Ignition: Direct Spark; Detection: Flame Rod or UV
REKO-100-SIK-NxT-RT 340K Btu/Hr Direct Spark Flame Rod or UV Contact Us Not available for online purchase.
Capacity: 500K Btu/Hr; Ignition: Direct Spark; Detection: Flame Rod or UV
REKO-150-SIK-NxT-RT 500K Btu/Hr Direct Spark Flame Rod or UV Contact Us Not available for online purchase.

For all other configurations and spare parts Contact Combustion 911


The REKO-SIK-NxT-RT series are self-recuperative gas burners used for radiant tube systems (indirect heating). Radiant tube systems use heat radiation to provide heat transfer to work inside a furnace without risk of flame impingement or contamination of the work by products of combustion. Self-recuperative burners use heat from the combustion exhaust gases to pre-heat the combustion air. Depending on their size and utility conditions, this type of burner guarantees higher efficiency and fuel savings when compared to traditional burners. NxT technology has been applied to dramatically reduce NOx and CO emissions.

The REKO-SIK-NxT-RT technology is applied to different radiant tube configurations (in steel or silicon carbide).

  1. Straight tube with silicon carbide internal flame tube lined up in modules.
    This has been done to allow for longer lasting internal modules and excellent temperature distribution on the radiant tube. Moreover, in case of rupture, it is possible to replace only the damaged module, thus saving considerably in terms of costs.
  2. P or Double-P tubes, where the needs of ample radiant surfaces integrate with a burner that has an incorporated recuperator.

The REKO-SIK-RT burners use the exhaust fume temperature to preheat the combustion air, thus saving more energy and reducing atmospheric pollution.

The choice of materials has been made to perfect the durability and performance of the burner. Furthermore, the stainless steel air-exhaust inlet body assures high resistance against heat and oxidation. The heat exchange element is made of silicon carbide and its special shape allows better heat transfer from the combustion products to the combustion air. This allows the burner to be used at maximum chamber temperatures of up to 2280°F in indirect heating conditions.


Model and Description Price Cart
Ignition Cable
Silicone Rubber Cable High Voltage 7mm (priced per foot).
6mm Right-Angled Interference Suppressed Electrode Boot
High Temperature Ceramic 6mm Right-Angled Interference Suppressed Electrode Boot

Combustion 911

600 Mogadore Rd. Kent, OH 44240

Phone 330-678-3683


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