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ESA Combustion Products

ESA Products

ESA has been supplying complete solutions for industrial combustion since the 1970s and manufactures a broad range of burners (more than 40 different families), offering a wide array of capacities and technologies.

Cofi Combustion Products

COFI Products

Founded in 1974, Cofi aims to apply state-of-the-art technology to the production of transformers for the ignition of gas and oil burners. The application of this technology has revolutionized production techniques for the insulation of high voltages.

Kromschroder Combustion Products

Kromschröder Products

The world leader in automatic burner control units for industrial combustion, Kromschröder’s tradition of innovation continues after over thirty years of in the US market.

Elektrogas Combustion Products

Elektrogas Products

Elektrogas combustion safety and control components feature high-quality castings which offer a higher burst rating for greater confidence at elevated pressures.

Santin Combustion Products

Santin Products

Santin Srl is a family-owned and operated manufacturer of burners and integrated solutions, serving the industry for over 40 years. Santin has a wide range of gas burners to fit any application.

Contrive Combustion Products

Contrive Products

Founded in 1979, Contrive has established a tradition of supplying powerful and innovative technology, both in their own commercial products and as an OEM supplier to leading manufacturers. Checkout the latest innovations from the flame safeguard thought leaders

Combustion 911

Combustion 911 Products

Combustion 911 has a knack for approaching old problems in new ways, turning simple ideas and engineering knowledge into solutions.



Combustion 911

600 Mogadore Rd. Kent, OH 44240

Phone 330-678-3683


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ESA Industrial Burners Elektrogas Valves and Regulators

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