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Category Archives: Industrial Burners

Industrial burners for commercial combustion systems.

FAQ: Electrode Adapters and Interference Suppression for Pilot and Industrial Burners

Q: I need to replace a few of the connectors that allow the ignition cable to interface with the spark plugs. Can you explain the differences between the various types you carry? Specifically, when should you use “interference suppressed” models? A: The electrode connectors you’re referring to are also typically called “electrode adapters,” “spark plug Read More

Pulse-Fire 101 – Pulse-fire Pitfalls

Through our discussions regarding equipment selection, you’ve learned that pulse-fire requires solenoid valves with extremely high operating cycles, burners that light reliably, and some method of impulse control. Through dozens of installations, our technicians have encountered and overcome a number of additional pitfalls, which can derail even the best planned system. Oversized Burners A common Read More

Pulse-Fire 101 – Pulse-fire Implementation

Now that you’re familiar with the history, ideas, and benefits of pulse-fire, it’s time to look at implementation. Knowing what you do about the demands that pulse-firing exacts upon components, you want to make sure to get the most for your money, so you don’t wind-up spending your fuel savings on replacements. ValVario Kromschröder’s valVario Read More

Pulse-Fire 101 – Pulse-fire Equipment

Not all combustion equipment is suitable for pulse-firing. Some of the key equipment requirements for a successful pulse-fire installation include: operating cycles in excess of one million, capability of three cycles per minute, and repeatability. Solenoid Valve Operating Cycles In traditional, modulating systems, gas solenoids open during start-up and remain open during furnace operation. Unless Read More

Pulse-Fire 101 – An Introduction to Pulse-fire Combustion Systems

Improve your bottom line, lower your operating costs, increase your product quality, and do your part to reduce greenhouse gases. How? By using pulse-fire to transform your industrial furnace! What is Pulse-fire? More than anything else, pulse-fire is a method of introducing heat into a gas-fired furnace. Traditional modulating systems use valves to control the Read More


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