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Automate 2022

FANUC art at Automate 2022
FANUC artwork

This week, members of our team attended Automate 2022 in Detroit, one of the largest automation trade shows in North America. The show is put on by the Association for Advancing Automation and features a multitude of exhibitors from around the world showcasing cutting-edge automation technology. As FANUC integrators, it was very exciting for our team to see new developments in technology and explore possibilities.

Coffee serving robot

For some of our interns, it was their first experience at a trade show. Our intern Shane was shocked by the sheer number of different options available. “There were so many options that I’d never even considered,” Shane told us in a meeting. “I saw a guillotine cutter that’s perfect for a job I’m working on right now, there were a lot of things like that I took inspiration from.” Another of our interns, Abbey, was really interested in the augmented reality technology she saw. For our intern Kevin, learning limitations of devices was a highlight.

Members of our team taking in the sights of Detroit

We learned of a lot of new systems, and sometimes, to our frustration, available technology that could’ve worked in a project we’ve already completed. But for us, this is one of the main reasons to attend shows like Automate. We’re introduced to the latest in technology and make connections with other people involved in automation that we may collaborate with down the road.

Overall, everyone had a good time and had positive takeaways from the event. Our interns learned about new technology and were inspired creatively. We’re looking forward to future events with our team!

For Automation

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Posted by  b-olstrad ; Published June 13, 2022

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