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Combustion 911 Blog

O2 Analyzer Released by Combustion 911

Combustion 911 is proud to announce the release of the FLO2 Flue O2 Analyzer, a hand-held, low-cost oxygen analyzer with a fast response time (TRise 90 < 10 seconds) and high accuracy. If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to measure and test the oxygen levels in your burner, the FLO2 O2 analyzer is the Read More

Commissioning Shouldn’t Take a Lifetime

Baron von Olsträd’s Sketchbook #4 We decided to post the new Baron von Olsträd comic a little early, due to the spooky nature of the the subject matter. Most folks who’ve been through furnace commissioning, either on a new installation or on a rebuild, have heard the horror stories. Some folks have lived them. Today’s Read More

FAQ: DL vs DG Pressure Switch

Q: I need to purchase a new pressure switch to monitor the pressure at my combustion blower. My setpoint is 18 “w.c., but when I called to order a DL 50AT, I was told that no stock was available, and that the wait could be up to five weeks. I can’t wait that long – Read More

The Proper Way to Light a Burner

Baron von Olsträd’s Sketchbook #3 The new Baron von Olsträd comic is here! Today’s installment opens the discussion of proper burner ignition methods, as opposed to the example set by the worker below, who seems to hallucinate talking, floating flames. Or maybe the unsafe method employed in this example has caused a fire in the Read More

FAQ: DG Pressure Switch T-Product vs European Standard

Q: I have a Kromschröder pressure switch, model DG 6U-3, which I do not find on your website. Can you quote this model? Do you have any stock available? A: Certain product families, like the VAS, DG, and IFS, are segregated into two branches: T-Product and European Standard. T-Product models are manufactured with the North Read More

The Black Art of Burner Tuning

Baron von Olsträd’s Sketchbook #2 We’ve posted the second installment of Johann “The Baron” von Olsträd‘s comically educational series of illustrations and explanations. Today’s comic deals with the sometimes mysterious procedures and notions behind tuning burners on a combustion system. It’s not uncommon to encounter maintenance professionals and combustion technicians who are tasked with tuning Read More

FAQ: Valvario Proof of Closure and Visual Indication

Q: Why do I have to specify a flow direction when ordering valVario solenoid valves with proof of closure and visual indication? A: Perhaps the best way to answer this question is to start with a quick description. Many manufacturers differentiate between models featuring proof of closure (POC) and those with visual indication (VI), but Read More

Pulse-Fire 101 – Pulse-fire Pitfalls

Through our discussions regarding equipment selection, you’ve learned that pulse-fire requires solenoid valves with extremely high operating cycles, burners that light reliably, and some method of impulse control. Through dozens of installations, our technicians have encountered and overcome a number of additional pitfalls, which can derail even the best planned system. Oversized Burners A common Read More

Hot Air Rises, Heat Radiates

Baron von Olsträd’s Sketchbook #1 The Olsträd family of companies is proud to present our fictional figurehead’s foray into web publishing: Baron von Olsträd’s Sketchbook Johann “The Baron” von Olsträd helps us to illustrate some of the foibles and misconceptions we’ve encountered through years of systems engineering, systems and spare parts sales, installation and service Read More

Pulse-Fire 101 – Pulse-fire Implementation

Now that you’re familiar with the history, ideas, and benefits of pulse-fire, it’s time to look at implementation. Knowing what you do about the demands that pulse-firing exacts upon components, you want to make sure to get the most for your money, so you don’t wind-up spending your fuel savings on replacements. ValVario Kromschröder’s valVario Read More


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